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The efficient collection robot

HolaBot Sebotics clearing robot

Holabot is Pudu's first versatile collection robot, which innovatively enables the use of autonomous robots in the areas of hospitality, office, medicine, industry, etc. Equipped with large storage space, high load-bearing capacity, call receiver function, gesture recognition and voice control module, HolaBot can increase work efficiency in the restaurant.

The HolaBot makes work easier everywhere here


Collection of items to be washed from the guests' tables or in the kitchen. Accessible via smartwatch. Contactless service.

Exhibition and catering

Collection of used crockery and glasses. Helps collect. No more carrying around heavy stuff.


Collecting rubbish from guest rooms or used tableware from the restaurant.

Health services

Collection of medical waste from patient rooms or treatment rooms.

Examples of workflows

HolaBot Sebotics workflow

dishes collection

Automatic, contactless delivery of items ordered by customers and takeaway offers a better experience.

HolaBot Sebotics Health

Collection of medical waste

Automatic, contactless delivery of items ordered by customers and takeaway offers a better experience.

Unique features and possibilities

gesture recognition

You don't need to touch the buttons: simple and contact-free

HolaBot Sebotics Gestures

Extremely much space

Load capacity 60kg, volume 120L, 4 spacious shelves, multiple tables in one collection, allowing the restaurant to get more sales. The robot also moves medical waste from the point of origin to the designated storage space, helping to better treat medical waste and reduce infection rates.

HolaBot Sebotics cleaning robot payload

5 adjustment levels, flexible storage level

Watch Sebotics Smartwatch HolaBot

pager function

The HolaBot contains a call receiver function which allows tasks to be called up and assigned to the robot at any time.

Sebotics HolaBot sound localization he hola
HolaBot Sebotics clearing robot

sound localization

"Hola Hola" voice recognition, a six-sided omnidirectional microphone that allows the robot to locate a sound source in real time and turn appropriately.

Sebotics HolaBot clearing robot


weight of the robot

loading weight


Battery life


Standard height of each individual compartment

Dimension of each individual compartment

Parameters of the pager

Waterproof case
Communication scheme instant network LoRa

541 * 531 * 1226mm




10h-24h (replaceable battery)

Speed: 0,5-1,5m/s

228mm/198mm/ 198mm/ 190mm (From above)


For room sizes up to 3000m2
LCD screen size 1.3 inch TFT LCD screen

Sebotics HolaBot clearing robot

dimensions of the machine

weight of the robot

loading weight


Battery life


loading unit

charging method

539 * 515 * 1050mm


Max 30kg, 15kg per shelf

4.5 hours


Speed: 0,5-1,2m/s (adjustable)
Tilt angle: ≤ 5°

2-4 slots (changeable)

Automatic loading with station

Sebotics HolaBot clearing robot
dimensions of the machine 539 * 515 * 1050mm
weight of the robot 55kg
Loading capacity Max 30kg, 15 per tray
charging 4.5 hours
Battery life 12h
speed 0,5-1,5m/s (adjustable)
loading unit 2-4 slots (changeable)
charging method Automatic loading with station


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