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Bellabot at the GM of the Gastroverband Chur Region

BellaBot service robot from Sebotics inspires the participants of the general assembly of the Gastroverband Chur Region

Proven format and futuristic staff at the general assembly of the Chur Region Gastroverband

At this year's General Assembly, the Gastroverband Chur Region is celebrating its 130th anniversary and the departure of long-standing President Horst Salutt. On this evening, however, not only the last decades were looked at, but also the future of gastronomy.

GV Gastro Chur Region in the auditorium with BellaBot service robot from Sebotics

It's loud in the auditorium of the Graubündner Kantonalbank. In the aisles, 120 restaurateurs from the Chur region enjoy being together over an aperitif. There hasn't been a gathering like this for a long time. All the more you can feel the joy among the participants. This is also the case with President Horst Salutt. He organized his 30th and last general assembly of the Gastroverband Chur Region.

From the Oktoberfest to the comedian to the opera

When he left, the president didn't let himself be asked twice to leave a big bang. What may be too much for some, was the program that evening: Music from the Oktoberfest was played at the aperitif, opera was sung during the meal and at the end Hannes von Wald made the audience laugh.

BellaBot service robot dances with the band at the Gastro Chur Region GV during the aperitif

However, one performance stood out. Because it had nothing to do with cultural entertainment or with the past 130 years of the Chur Region Gastroverband.

With one eye towards the future

“I personally find it exciting to see what the future holds for us. It was important to me that we deal with tomorrow's events today," explained Horst Salutt. What is meant by this are the somewhat different service specialists who brought food and drinks from the kitchen to the table during the general assembly: column-shaped service robot on wheels. The robots support professionals in restaurants, hotels or catering. Horst Salutt had the service robots installed in the auditorium especially for this evening. "I'm generally positive about new things, although I'm otherwise not interested in technology and computers," he said, laughing.

BellaBot service robot from Sebotics inspires the participants of the general assembly of the Gastroverband Chur Region

The robot models "BellaBot" and "HelloBot“ from the company Sebotics, not only inspire with their work skills on this evening. The smiling face of the robot and the interaction by stroking the head offered a real gastronomic experience.

Promotion of guest-centric service

The participants of the GM of the Gastroverband Chur Region were enthusiastic about the idea. Also Marc Tischhauser, Managing Director Gastro Graubünden, sees potential in the service robots: “I can well imagine that service robots are a sensible solution in some restaurants and hotels. You can relieve employees of long walking distances. This saves time, which in turn can be invested by the guests.” Marcel Casanova, Branch Manager, was of a similar opinion Dallmayr. He considers it particularly interesting to serve at banquets as a coffee and dessert server.

BellaBot from Sebotics serves coffee at the general assembly of the Gastroverband Chur Region

Throughout the gathering, the robots drove around the auditorium as if they had never done anything else. Andy Conzett, Sales Representative at Vivi Kola, didn't miss the chance and immediately placed his drinks on the service robots. "I've never seen anything like it. I see a lot of potential for presenting products or saving time for staff in large rooms,” he said.

There was a lot going on that evening in the auditorium in Chur. Discussions about the past and the future as well as much joy and laughter went through the room and gave the outgoing President as well as all participants a once in a lifetime General Assembly.

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